Tuesday, March 4, 2008

High school

Where do I begin? High school has been like a roller coaster with some many ups and downs through the whole year. I know every girl is going to write high school = drama and it does, but there was so much more to high school. Friends, parties, boyfriends, dances, exams and that is just the start of it. High school was pretty good I guess even though I've had my bad moments. It is still not over though, so just live it up you'll never be in high school again. =)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saint Anthony

Has anyone ever prayed to Saint Anthony when you have lost something? It actually usually works. I lost my favorite necklace sometime last weekend or the beginning of this week and it is killing me. I've been praying, but nothing yet so right now im going to attempt to clean this room of mine and I'm hoping it will help me find the necklace.

Busyy Busyy!!

Ahhh this weekend has been filled with work so I didn't have time to even get on the computer yesterday. Basically I worked all day and then babysat all night, fun right? Wait there is even more, I had to work again this morning. I know I need money for college in the fall but my work schedule is just a little too much. Anyone ever feel that way?? Well atleast this week I only work two days, better than four or five!